Monday, February 1, 2010

what it means to cherry pick..

So here is finally a blog.
Over the past 2 1/2 years which is approximately when cherry pick started quite accidentally and purposefully there have been many different people telling us to blog though the future of this blog is uncertain we feel it is blessed.

I don't think every ones idea of a cherry is quite same. I know ours is really refined and specific. For example when choosing a garment what determines the desirability factor is how it looks first and foremost and though this is true its only a partial assessment....

LA is filled with amazing goodies floating around all kinds of places: Thrift shops, resale shops vintage stores, estate sales, flea markets, garage sales and etc.. I personally used to love going though stuff and finding the cherry among the trash and it felt so full filling to save the diamond in the rough...

Lately not so much. The idea of having to sort through a mess is mind boggling so it only makes sense that our store caters to those who like clean, refined classic unique pieces...

Throughout the excavation there are general patterns and specific choices that determine our picks. First and foremost as one of the creators of "CHERRY PICK VINTAGE" I have spent almost everything I've ever earned on clothes. I even once purchased a "Versace" dress at the Paris store for a ridiculous price of approx 8K! I was 19 and stupid and though there's nothing wrong with those that do. I am not wealthy and that dress i ended up paying for for years to come. But one thing that experience gave me was to know what makes a garment pricey and what it is like to shop at a cream de la cream boutique and that has influenced the decor and presentation of our store in LA.

As far as our merchandise they are all almost anonymous and overlooked pieces. In a world where most the populous is after fame and brand names the anonymous are all in waiting for a little love and recognition and this is our way of giving clothes that are abandoned abused and mistreated a good home and to adopt them to people who know their value and worth...

Everything in our store is desirable and super cute.. We some times pick random used pieces that are unique ranging from forever21 - Club monaco mixed with re inspired and re designed dress' and other.... If the garment is well made and special it doesn't matter where it is coming from..

Having said that above are a few pieces of past sold merchandise and currently available polka heels that best describe the look and vibe of our store ! come check us out if u can!

thanks :O)

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